Saturday, January 15, 2011

I thought I would share some of  my still life creations !

I cant believe its been a month since I posted anything, been so busy, a new year and new challenges I have started giving private art classes and have some wonderful ladies whose homes I go to and we have such fun ! I must admit I have put my own paintings on the back burner but not stressed about it as their is a season for everything and feel that I have been able to reflect on my own work and a new inspiration building inside me, its time for change, time to take a leap at a new style I have been creating in my mind, I ask God to guide me and empower me to lift the brush and create the canvasses I dream about !

While on the subject of flowers, I thought I would share some of my older pieces done over the last few years. I love arum lilies and in winter in the cape they are all over and an absolute feast for my eyes, a client in Paarl, let me pick arms full on her farm the day I dropped some commissioned paintings for her !!!

 The commission for Marcel in Paarl of her Girls in the long grass and the farmhouse !!

A little bit of History and a walk down memory lane as share  my work with you !!!!!

 Painted these 4 Christmas, for my mom in law, Dawn, who is a florist and
these are her favorite !!!

And a few more sold................!

The Challenge of Blogging !!!!

Here are a few paintings sold recently...

Well I have spent hours trying to add all sorts of extras to my blog............... but reckon I need many more to build it up to look like some of the blogs I have visited so now time to add some more pick of my work !!